Saturday, June 19, 2021

My take from the book, “Attitude is everything” by John Keller.

I have recently completed reading the book “Attitude is everything” by John Keller. 


This book is a quick and short read (128 pages). And boy! the lessons given here are so invaluable. The book is written in simple English that it is readable across every age and somehow, I felt that this book is even suitable for teens to achieve success from early years itself.

“You are not what you think you are, but what you think – You Are” – 
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

contents of the book

The basic idea of the book is that it tells you to always have a positive outlook in every aspect of one’s life, be it the way you walk, the words you speak, and every action that one performs should be in a positive manner so that the “positivity” becomes integral to one’s subconscious mind. Here are some interesting things the book tells….

  • Success is a state of mind. 
  • Your success in life begins and ends with your attitude.
  • You are a human magnet, we become what we think!
  • Behave what you want to be for the transition to happen effectively.
  • You have control over the pictures that occupy your mind, However, when you don’t consciously decide which pictures to play, your mind will look into the archives and keep replaying the old movies that is there in your mental library.
  • Visualize your success. Be clear about the things and goals you want to achieve.
  • Never underestimate your power to change yourself.
  • Success = Think - Speak – Act
  • You must first clearly see a thing before you can do it.  Visualization is key!
  • Whenever does someone asks you How are you?
  • Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm.
  • The greatest mistake a person can make is too afraid of making one
  • You can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.
  • Until one is committed there is hesitancy, the chance to drawback.
  • Committed people are going to hang in and prevail – no matter what. 
  • Watch what you say, as that will become you and yours.
  • Use positive self-talk as often as possible so that the spoken words get into your subconscious mind to become what you spoke.
  • How you respond to “How are you?”, defines your approach to your dreams and desires and more so if you can succeed.   
  • Complainers lack perspective, they tend to blow their problem way out of proportion. Optimistic people have a sense of what is truly important in life.
  • Associate with positive people, achievers, performers, visionaries, etc, as their attitude and wisdom will inspire you to excel and achieve greatness.
  • Evaluate friendship, from time to time. Those who occupy your time have a significant impact on your priceless procession, “your mind”. Do not abandon them but reduce your interaction if all you gain from the relationship is toxicity.
  • You are stronger than your fears…   and you can overcome them.
  • Confront your fears… and you’re on the way to developing your potential and leading the exciting, fulfilling life you deserve.     It’s a decision you’ll never regret!
  • You can’t ignore negative thoughts altogether. Instead, you can try indulging in more positive thoughts. The positive thoughts should dominate your negative thoughts.
This book was bought by my wife and she too procrastinates quite a bit and she then prescribed this book for me to read and help me to introspect and overcome my procrastination for the family to be happy and set an example.

It's more than just a book. The author has explained using multiple examples instead of giving some deep theories, and this makes it quite easy to comprehend. This book was a very welcomed change. I would recommend everyone to buy and read this book… I intend to use this book as a refresher whenever I would need some perspective…

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