Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Battle of Survival at Kruger ! ! !

Received the below through mail and the video is so awesome.... never did I wonder the plight of few lions at the mercy of some determined buffalo's to rescue one of its calf's... its amazing.... watch it....

The Battle at Kruger has taken the world by storm! Filmed at South Africa's Kruger National Park, this inspiring and adventurous ight for survival has become one of the most popular videos of all time. Featured in hudreds of news outlets and the subject of an upcoming National Geographic documentary, the Battle at Kruger continues to rise in poopularity.

The video starts off with a herd of buffalo nearing a watering hole when they are ambushed by a pride of very hungry lions. As the herd scatter, the lions are able to tackle a small calf into the water. As the lions regroup and begin pulling the calf out of the water, a crocodile emerges trying to take the calf for itself!

A game of tug of war follows with the lions eventually winning. As the lions prepare to feast, the herd returns 10x in size to rescue the calf. The herd charges in scaring off the lions and are even able to throw one in the air! After the battle, the baby calf gets up and rejoins the herd.

the courtesy for the said mail was to one Arjun CD..

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