Friday, January 06, 2006

A tale of a tailor bird. . .

Thank u, Kannumama for this Shared Thot's

Here’s a first person account of a nature’s marvel observed from close quarters..... Very well expressed and the lessons are good for all times.... Thank you, Thangu....

A tale of a tailor bird

A li'l Tailor bird had made it’s nest in one of the plants in our balcony--she had woven the whole nest with so much foresight and love. There were 4 eggs nestled inside & she constantly kept tabs on them- she was so tiny & helpless herself but when it came to her babies --she was so cautious & aggressive--always hovering close by or sitting inside the nest with her beak threateningly poking out of it--could sit & watch the goings on & marvel at the wonder of this li'l mother's instinct.

Her workmanship was amazing [not in terms of technique and architecture but in terms of maternal instinct]--she had stitched the nest securely to the leaf using her beak as the needle & some coir, padded it with cotton –reinforced it with some twigs & coir fibres again--& if it rained heavily she would bend another leaf in order to serve as an umbrella over her nest & she is but smaller than a sparrow--there is indeed some Guy up there who never ceases to fill us with wonder. Her one aim was to provide the ultimate ‘safe nest’ for her nestlings.

Once the eggs hatched she had to provide them with food. One of the four nestlings was not too strong. The Mother tried her level best to make it learn to fly but somehow the little one failed to learn a skill so necessary for it’s survival. One fine day the Mother stopped visiting the nest & the Weak One somehow slipped out of the nest & after a few futile attempts at surviving this holocaust it was helped back into the nest with a spatula - back into the only world it knew. Maybe the shock of the fall was too much for it’s teeny weeny heart or maybe it’s mission was only to convey some message to us—-it died that night. Observing the entire ‘drama of life and death’ from the corner sofa in our living room I learnt some valuable lessons.

a.. One is never too small or too frail to be a good mother—-it is a natural instinct.

A parent’s heart is truly a large one—she/he gives unconditionally of her/his love & support—so cherish that always.

Nothing is too good for one’s children—-there is always something more one can do or something better one can offer them.

A parent can help a child only that much—--after that it is up to the child to learn the life skills spread his/her wings and reach for the skies.

Some of us may fail in many things we do—may be we are here to pass on a message to others---help them to learn from our mistakes.

Even nature has no patience with the weaker ones. The stronger ones physically, mentally, emotionally & morally] are better survivors.

For, bringing a child into this world, nurturing it and helping it to grow to be agood human being is the most amazing blessing from above.

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