_*50 Years Ago..*_
*50 years ago,* children were gentle with their parents. Today parents have to be gentle with their children.
*50 years ago,* everyone wanted to have children. Today many people are afraid of having children.
*50 years ago,* children respected their parents. Now parents have to respect their children.
*50 years ago,* marriage was easy but divorce was difficult. Nowadays it is difficult to get married but divorce is so easy.
*50 years ago*, we got to know all the neighbors. Now we are strangers to our neighbors.
*50 years ago,* people had to eat a lot because they needed the energy to work hard. Now we are afraid to eat fatty foods for fear of the cholesterol.
*50 years ago,* villagers were flocking to the city to find jobs. Now the town people are fleeing from the stress to find peace.
*50 years ago,* everyone wanted to be fat to look happy ... Nowadays everyone diets to look healthy.
*50 years ago*, rich people pretended to be poor. Now the poor are pretending to be rich.
*50 years ago*, only one person worked to support the whole family. Now all have to work to support one child.
*50 years ago,* people loved to study and read books ... now people love to update Facebook and read their whatsapp messages.
_*And 50 years hence ?? 🤔*_
Got the above message via WhatsApp and felt it was worthy enough of a share, origin and author known, but whoever has coined it, big kudos to him/her for the sensible effort.